A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
Mazes and monsters
and mushrooms and flowers
and witches and potions
and eyeballs and tombstones
and turners and dashers
and grinders and slimers
and bombs
and bombs
and bombs
Plagued with the curse
of autofire you roam
the floors of Forget-Me-Not forever
in search of a cure
for your beloved
...please wake up...
this is an arcade game for 1 or 2 players, about picking flowers in randomly generated caves of monsters...
*** UPDATE 27/5/20 ***
- uploaded windows and mac builds of the ancient original FMN from 2011
*** UPDATE 29/9/18 - build 4 ***
- added a framerate cap option
- added customisable keybindings
- some random generation & look/feel tweaks (rubble particles, fake slowdown, etc)
- i put fruit back in
- there are now 3 game modes: quest, pondskum & dusktangle
- new demo build
- other things
- sorry the mac build is stuck back on v3 - i don't have a mac anymore
*** default controls are:
RED PLAYER: fire = 1, movement = wasd
BLUE PLAYER: fire = /, movement = arrows
(fire buttons are only needed to join a game and to enter your name)
press SPACE on the title screen to change game mode
press F1 to pause
press F2 to cycle colour modes
hold F9 to see version and FPS info
press F10 at any time for the options menu
press esc to reset game / toggle highscore screen
to quit: alt-f4, cmd-q, or whatever your OS's usual quit key combo is
see info.txt for more info.txt
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- Forget-Me-Not build #4 updateSep 28, 2018
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Awesome game. What engine did you use? And do you have ANY godot or gamemaker games?
Thanks! No engine, just C++ code. I haven't made any games with gamemaker or godot, no..
So you did make that sequel after all! It just wasn't for the Vita.
This is uknowable and fucked up and amazing. I might publish my notes for this when I'm finished. I love how mysterious it is.
i dont know how to start the game can you help me
Hello my friend. I just wanted to tell you what an under appreciated masterpiece this game is! It is a beautiful combination of classic game mechanics, emergent complexity and art. This may seem like hyperbole, but I really mean it- this game should be in the Smithsonian. It has that magical blend of super fun whimsical gameplay and psychedelic crunchiness that I've only ever found in Jeff Minter games. Hope you are well. Please continue to pursue your creative endeavors- cuz this game is a true work of art!
I love the original version of Forget-Me-Not so much! Is there any chance you can compile it for 64-bit MacOS?
I was able to configure the WIN_r1 version on my M1 MacBook using Porting Kit. It works perfectly and even supports my bluetooth gamepad! I'm so happy. Thanks for making this fantastic game.
I will forget you never.
This is great! I tried it for just a moment because I really enjoyed EAT-GIRL and anything that's at all like that is good.
Hiiii, absolutely love this!
I couldn't see any contact details on your creator page aha; how could I get in touch about a small but maybe-kinda-cool project that preserves some of the best itch games in a physical compilation?
This game is so epic and I love the overall color scheme and this game is like an intense version of Pacman.
WARNING: My English can get to be bad because I’m Uruguayan, sorry.
This game is actually really fun! I went expecting something less entertaining but this was a really enjoyable experience!
I like it because it reminds me a little bit of Pac-Man, which is nice because it was the first game I ever played. Even though this made me feel good and nostalgic, it is not the only reason of why I like this.
The graphics are cool, it is very well made, it is fun, etc. Something I also liked was the fact that more enemies spawn and you gotta shoot them to kill them, which Pac-Man didn’t. Now, I’m not gonna talk more about Pac-Man anymore. I also like how you need to get a key to enter the portal, and that there aren’t the same enemies every time, but there spawn different ones every time.
I can write more but if I would, I would have written a file or something but this is just a comment about what the thing I most liked are, there’s not that much I can say I dislike, only that you can’t select any other game mode besides the default one, but that’s nothing compared to what the game has to offer! Great job doing this, this was a totally pleasant experience :D
Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention that I like this game but also to say it makes me happy, I mean, not happy like when you’re doing something you like but it makes me have a good time, I feel de-stressed. Maybe you might find this weird but I’m just 12 years old lol.
hey, thankyou so much!! i'm glad you like it :) your comments made me really happy.. actually Forget-Me-Not was mainly inspired by a very old game called Crossroads which i first played when i was about the same age as you.. i totally understand.. :D
i forgot to say: you can change the game mode by pressing space on the title screen.. there are 3 modes: the normal mode, a mode where you play levels in random order, and a mode where you just stay on 1 level and try to survive as long as you can..
Oh, I see, what happened was that I set the shot button to space (^p^). I’m also glad to see my comments made you happy, even despite my age, I always try to give programs or any kind thing a nice review but that doesn’t happen every time. Also, I played Crossy Road too, I played it some years ago, probably 2015-16, when I actually had no idea what a review was. xP Nevermind I understood Crossy Road instead of Crossroads, xD sorry.
OMG i never noticed the similarity in the names Crossy Road and Crossroads, hahah
Where are the gamemodes like shuffle arena seed
ps: i mean the original from 2011
ah, the old PC/Mac version never had those, just arcade mode (because it was originally made for an arcade cabinet so i removed menus etc.. then for some reason never added them back in again..who knows what i was thinking back then..)
Thanks!!!! You helped me up a lot!!! but.. They sounded cool so maybe you could add them to the game in an update?
Love this game but when trying to download the original version on Mac it wasn't compatible with the current version (10.15.6). Was just wondering if it will be updated for support. Thanks!
hey! ah d'oh.. i no longer have access to a mac so, no it won't, sorry..
ah it's fine. I was having some trouble opening it on Windows as well, any help with that? I'm assuming it's most likely due to me being dumb and not knowing what to do lol
Hey I've noticed your site don't work when I tried to get original version of the game. Will it be fixed?
hey drugon! ah good point.. my site no longer exists, so i've uploaded the original old versions here, you can download them above - and
Earlier the game was running full screen and windowed and both looked fine, but now I just see the lower left corner. I'm fiddling with the options (resolution and full screen mode) but I can't get it to switch back to where I can see the whole screen.
oh no.. by earlier, do you mean an earlier build of the game? or, has anything changed in your setup since then (like, new computer, new gpu, new monitor etc..anything different?).. what resolution are you running it at?
Howdy, I did a lil write-up on the game!
hey, rad!!! thanks for that, t'was really cool to read :D
Hi Eryngi,
I bought 'The 2017 Fantastic Arcade Bundle' a while back for $15 which included Forget-Me-Not R version 2. But I noticed the version there hasn't been updated, and Forget-Me-Not R isn't in my games library.
Is it possible for me to get version 4 and future versions somehow?
oh huh, i've been sending each new build to the FA folks, guess they haven't got around to updating it.. contact them and ask? (i'll ask em too).. btw i'll probably stop sending updates to FA at some point. happy to keep doing it for the time being, i mean i don't have any particular plans to stop or anything, but it was just a one-off thing originally - just FYI :)
Thank you so much for the email response too. I understand that it's a bit tricky coordinating this sort of thing in perpetuity with a 3rd party.
Honestly, this was the BEST game on iOS and am seriously sad to see it no longer supported. Like jalc, I would love to take a gander at making this buildable and publishable and testable on iOS again. I've been developing software for 30+ years, have a few iOS games myself and would like to take a shot at helping you return this icon to iOS. I'll even cover your annual developer fees if that's a problem.
Just bought the -R version (I didn't even know it existed and am so excited!). Were you ever planning on porting this to iOS also if you had the opportunity? I'm sure you'd be featured. Let me know if you need some help.
hey Chris.. wow, thanks!! you are kind. i really appreciate the thought but wouldn't really feel comfortable with having someone else having to maintain it and pay for it. maybe slightly irrational but it just feels like it'd be a stressful situation. the way i see it, the game had a good run... by the end it was nowhere near making back its yearly license cost, and then i made it free (and a friend did in fact insist on paying for it to stay up for a couple more years when i couldn't afford to, hehe).. but it stopped working'd just be a source of stress to me now. the R version, what i'd really like is to get it on consoles via a publisher (i just don't have the time to deal with business side of things any more. this is all strictly a spare time hobby for me now).. it's fairly likely if i hook up with one, they'd wanna put it on iOS too, so, it's a possibility.... we'll see... there's still a lot more i want to add to the game before i properly try making that happen. so, sorry to be a bit boring! ANYWAY, totally happy to send you the original iOS source code for your own use if you want (drop me an email - though be warned it's *horrible* :D
When will you make the classic Forget-me-not available again on iOS? I've seen on your website that you were working on an update to make it compatible with iOS 11, but you've removed it :(
yeah i had started trying to update it at one point but then my iphone died and i got a not-iphone...couldn't really afford to keep paying apple and decided to let it die.. soo probably never, sorry..
What about releasing the full source code, so everyone can build it? Or at least asking someone to finalize the update for you?
i don't want to like, officially release the code (it's awful).. i've sent the code to a few people who asked.. it's in a half unfinished state, i can't remember what needs doing or what's broken, so.. it's all just a bit messy.. you want to try building it?
Ah yes! I can try to build it myself! I'm familiar with XCode so it won't be a problem for me! :)
well, maybe.. it might be in an unworking state, i can't remember... anyways, email me ( so i have your email address and i'll dig out the code for ya
BTW is it specifically the iOS platform you're keen on? or is it the old version of FMN? cuz you can grab that for pc/mac at if you want. (<R is way better tho! =))
Yep! This is the iOS version I'm looking for. I should try the <R version one day...
Loving the game, strange surprises are always around the corner
One question, Will the Bundle version be updated?
glad you like it! yep, i send any new builds i do to the FA folk to update their bundle with, though i have no control over if/when they do it.. (coincidentally i've been working on FMN again recently & a small update is incoming within the next couple days.. hurrah! )
Thank-you very much
Any chance of seeing this on steam?
Oh it seems like some problem with Russian keyboard. Key "/" is some other key that make game crazy. We somehow repaired it but then break again.
(oh, i just noticed this old comment).. hey, in case you didn't already see it, the latest update to this game has customisable keys and also FPS capped at 60, so hopefully this will solve these problems! if you try it i'd be very interested to know if the keys customiser works properly on Russian keyboard
Thanks. It seems that all works fine now, but I should test it also on that computer (though I'm not sure when I'll be able to reach it). By the way have you implemented ending in the game yet?
Thanks. It seems that all works fine now, but I should test it also on that computer (though I'm not sure when I'll be able to reach it). By the way have you implemented ending in the game yet?
Hello. We've just tried PONDSCUM demo and we're not sure that the game runs fine. It's too fast and it's hard to understand there you are.
can you please try holding F1 - this will print the FPS in the lower left corner - it should be 60. i've been told the game does run at double speed on some high frequency monitors! (though pondskum mode IS quite confusing and hard to see where you are in :))
We've checked it. It was something like 160.
ah.. whoops! sorry.. i will try to make it run at a locked 60 on all systems in a future update. for now i'm not sure if there's anything to do about it..
I don't know what I played (POND SKUM MODE), but wow, it sure has fun!
Is there an install FAQ that covers libraries? I'm new to itch -- just for FGMR!
Ubuntu 16.04.4 64-bit:
[...] error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [...] amd64 libraries are missing
hey croci.. sorry my linux build might be more hassley than it could be. still working out best practises for releasing linux stuff. i think all you need to install is SDL2. far as I can tell this should do it:
in a terminal window, run:
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0
(or if you use a GUI package manager just search it for SDL2). pretty sure that'll be all you need but i'm on my phone rn, can't check. lemme know if it still won't work. thanks :) also good idea, i'll add a linux install note..
BTW - are you planning Steam/GOG release?
nah.. i know those are popular but i don't really know much about them and i'm happy with just itch :)
Great game. If you want someone to do this for you, we'll fund and do it. Get in touch if you are interested. You'll definitely make some sales. Again, solid game that deserves more exposure.
oh hey! thanks! glad you like it. and thanks for the offer...i reckon i'll just keep slowly working on it until i consider it 100% awesome and then might look into a wider release... for now it would just give me too much stress haha.. i'll get back to you if i change my mind =)
Okay thanks for the response.
I have one question - is it possible to reach the end of the game or it has only infinite mode?
only infinite for now.. though i'm planning on improving/extending the level-arc, and giving it something like an ending, eventually
Or that would be great. I'd prefer some ending like in Spelunky even if it would be hard as hell to get to it.
Hi there! I tried running this on my laptop with ElementaryOS 0.4.1 (based on Ubuntu 16.04), and got a crash on start. tech support reached out to me and told me this:
Looking at the logs, missing, and I don't think GLEW 2.1 is packaged by Ubuntu ( I wasn't able to find it).
I'd reach out to eryngi and let them know about this page: - it explains how to ship the libraries you actually rely on with the game, rather than expecting them to be installed on the player's system.
Dunno how easy this would be to change for the Linux build, just passing on the info in case it helps. Thanks!
thanks JP! (and Itch tech support! wow that's really good.) whoops, sorry bout that..i'll add a build with glew included soon =)